Published: 20 Sep 2023 | Last Updated: 20 Sep 2023 14:12:34

The new graduating cohorts in MSc Wild Animal Biology (WAB) and MSc Wild Animal Health (WAH) enjoyed a night of celebration at London Zoo as their studies came to an end.

Kylie Rothwell won Best Student Overall for Wild Animal Biology (WAB)

The event was about recognising the achievements of every student on the course and looking forward to their future careers.

One of the highlights of the night was the presentation of awards for Best Project and Best Student Overall for each of the MScs. The awards have been running for over 25 years, and decisions are arrived at during the September Exam Board, which includes academics from both RVC and , including Course Directors and Module Leaders.

For Wild Animal Health both awards were won by Akari Sando who was not able to attend as she was flying back home. Kylie Rothwell won Best Student Overall for Wild Animal Biology (WAB) and Hero Nye who won Best WAB project - both students were there to receive their awards from Professor Adrian Boswood.

Hero Nye winner of Best Best Project for Wild Animal Health (WAh)

María Díez León Senior Lecturer in Animal Welfare and Co-Course Director for the MSc WAB/WAH courses said:

"It is truly an honour to support these fantastic students in their journeys and witness their professional and personal growth - they are the future of wildlife, and we cannot wait to see what they do next" said Dr María Díez León Senior Lecturer in Animal Welfare and Co-Course Director for the MSc WAB/WAH courses.

Kylie Rothwell (Best WAB Student Overall) commented:

“Receiving this award validated a years’ worth of effort put towards the course and represents an incredible amount of knowledge gained. I feel very proud to have earned this honour and hope to apply everything I’ve learned from ZSL toward a zoo-based career back in the States. “

Chris Yesson, Senior Research Fellow at ZSL Institute of Zoology, and Co-Course Director for WAB/WAH said:

“Hero's work edged out a number of excellent projects. It's great to see recognition for this research, which helps us better understand fish behaviour patterns in our (ZSLs) new tropical reef aquarium. This is one of many examples of how our students create a positive impact with their studies."

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